For Teachers

Services and Solutions from Bdlearning

Customized course plan

Bdlearning will provide teachers tools to prepare customized and efficient course plans for students.

Track Your Student’s Study Progress

Teachers will be able to track and keep record every student’s study progress from the site by using extremely simple tools of Bdlearning.

Better way of test record keeping

For teachers, keeping test records are essential in a sense to judge the progress of a student over a period of time. These records help the teacher to give necessary feedbacks to a particular student and make necessary changes in teaching method. But in our present system this practice is rare.

Services and Solutions from MyDreamClass

MyDreamClass, one of the products of Fleek Bangladesh, have the following features for the teachers:

2D/3D Animation

All topics of any particular class will be available in 2D/3D animation which will enable a teacher to teach a particular topic or subject matter especially from social science and general science subjects more effectively and more efficiently.

Customized Lesson Plan

A powerful MyDreamClass application engine will allow teachers to view and map relevant digital content for their classroom sessions as per their syllabus and lesson plans.

Assessment tool

A unique assessment tool will be provided in MyDreamClass which will allow the teachers to make instant formative assessment in every session. Students will answer the test with for now, a pen and paper based system and, in future, powerful hand-held remote device.

Services and Solutions from Pplika

Pplika will provide a common interactive platform for teachers which will give the opportunity of knowledge and experience sharing the fellow students of different communities. Following are the components of Teacher’s platform of Pplika:

Content management

Students will be able to search and share any educational content within any Pplika community. Our experienced teacher communities will manage the content sharing by creating specialized subject oriented interactive contents. They will also edit/modify and enrich student generated contents and make the contents an authentic and useful document. Content management also includes proper placement of academic papers, questions, tests, results, and other contents related to knowledge transfer and knowledge testing.

Academic feedback evalution

Tracking down the academic excellence of a student is not a dream anymore. Using Pplika platform and its ICT tools teachers will be able to evaluate the students' academic excellence and get relevant reports as and when necessary. Work-In-Process (WIP) academic papers including various reports, tests, and assignments can be bounced to and fro between teacher and students.

Professional excellence

Pplika tools will help the teachers get necessary reports and data to specific student groups as well as individuals. Using these tools teachers can generate useful decision factors for the students to devise various teaching techniques which ultimately will improve their professional excellence.